Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Top Tuesday


I'm starting this whole week off right. From now on you can find me doing random stuff for every day of the week! While I was originally going to go with the name Tasty Tuesday, I wasn't feeling cooking today, I decided to change this to Top Tuesday. There is the part where I tell you all the things that I'm loving today. So to start this little shindig off we're talking about bows! Because, as we speak, I have one in my hair :) 

Have I mentioned I love the bows? If I have, then I'm saying it again. I love bows. Hair bows, jewelry bows, everything. Bows are bow-dacious!!!! (hehe bow-dacious...) 

For those of you who aren't really a fan of bows, become one. They're in style, they're super cute, and can be worn so many different ways. If you're still unsure, start of small. Wear a ring with a bow on it or a cute little necklace with a bow pendant. Or wear a pair of these. 

cute right?!

If you're looking for something other then jewelry, try a hair bow! The deal with hair bows is that they come in like a billion styles. Personally, I enjoy the clips! Like these...

cutest things you've seen?! heck yes they are!

For those of you concerned how to wear them, I personally wear mine like this....

pull your hair back into a half pony and hold it in place with bobby pins then clip in your hair bow!

But lately, I've been digging this way too :) 

pull your hair up into a bun (not picky) and place the bow underneath the bun. Surprisingly, this is in now-a-days. 

What have we learned today kids? Besides the fact that this chickadee is strangely obsessed with bows. To conclude this post I'll leave you with this. Bows are pretty neat and they're in style. So start incorporating them into your wardrobe. Heck, I do :)


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