Thursday, March 7, 2013

Always Trust Your Cape

Life is just a leap of faith
spread your arms
hold your breath
and always trust your cape

   When I was a junior in high school, my mom's best friend had died of breast cancer. Yeah, what a way to start a blog post huh? Don't worry though, it gets better. My mom's friend was one of those people who wasn't afraid to die and was ready to go. She knew that her time was coming to an end and decided to take the bull by the horns and live each day to the fullest. It was for that reason, I admired her so much.

  One day, my mom and I were driving to a hockey game and we were listening to her iPod. The song "The Cape," by Guy Clark came on and she shared with me this story. Basically, my mom and her friend loved going to country concerts especially the underground country kind. The kind where they played in smokey bars and all they had to their name was their clothes and a guitar. The reason why my mom and her friend loved these kind of singers was because they sang with so much soul and their stories were true and inspiring. So my mom's friend and her were planning on going to see Guy Clark but sadly only one could make the trip. Before Guy Clark was to perform my mom got the chance to meet him. She explained to him how one of her friends wanted to see him but sadly passed away shortly before his concert. She explained to him how her friend had loved that song and wanted to see him play it. So during his concert, Guy Clark played that song and dedicated it to my mom's friend.

   After listening to the song, I felt changed. strange strange I know. I felt like I was looking at life through a different perspective and it all made sense to me. Life is honestly a leap of faith. Sometimes you have to close your eyes, hold your breath, and trust what God gave you. Your cape. 

   So this week I applied this song to a different situation. Yesterday, my family and I dropped my sister off at the airport so she could enjoy three beautiful months in the Czech Republic. Not only was it hard to see my sister go but it was difficult for me to sit back and watch her enjoy an adventure that I couldn't go on. jealous much? I'm so inspired by my sister's ability to spread her wings and go on an adventure of epic proportions that I too decided I need to start living my life more like an adventure. scary right? 

   I would be lying to you right now if I said I wasn't scared. I'm shaking like a kitten in a water bucket. I've always trusted my logic and my ability to plan like it was my job. In fact, my planner is my life. I've started to realize that that isn't living. You shouldn't have to write down when your adventure is going to start and when you're adventure should end. I think that's the beauty of an adventure. You never know what is in store for you. I think it's God's way of keeping you on your toes ;) 

   So here's to those living an adventure (you know the kind who are traveling from place to place with nothing but a backpack), here's to my sister for her adventure, and here's to Guy Clark for inspiring me to start mine.

if you're interested, here's Guy Clark singing "The Cape".

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