Friday, March 8, 2013

Refrain the rambling

on...and on...and on...and on.

When it comes to the sport of rambling, I think kids are the all time MVP. Why you ask? Have you ever asked a kid what they did that weekend or what's their favorite part of their favorite movie? Let me tell you, you can get a whole paragraph smashed into 2 little seconds of verbal communication. Kids go on and on and on and on about everything and they leave nothing out! Heck, kids will tell you tell you their entire day, down to every potty break, in a sitting. Part of me asks myself...

Is this a good thing or a bad thing? 
          excellent question because frankly I don't know. Part of me likes to say that rambling is a good thing because a) you have a lot of thoughts running through your head so you know that you have a brain and you use it frequently. And b) you eventually get out what you're trying to say. eventuallyBut, here's the flip side. Part of me thinks rambling is a bad thing because a) you easily get lost in your thoughts, forget about what you're talking about, and then end up repeating yourself numerously and b) you look kind of dumb. sorry not sorry. 

When it comes to kids, this is considered normal. I mean, kids will freely give you information! I've never met a child that when asked a question that requires them to talk about themselves, could give you an answer in less than 15 seconds. 

As an adult, this type of communicating is not so normal. In fact, it's kind of annoying. I'm a rambler myself and I hate ramblers. Taking up a minute and a half to say something that could easily take 30 seconds to say is honestly a waste of time.... Today I lost my battle to rambling and I turned into THAT annoying rambler....

I had a video interview with a possible employer for a summer internship this summer. 
This interview was unlike any other. I enjoyed the process and thought it was creative and really easy to follow, however, I missed the nonverbal communication from the interviewer. In fact, this process offered really no interviewer. All my responses were timed, recorded, and uploaded/emailed to someone. Then that someone is going to review my a different time....this scares me. When it comes to face-to-face communication I can read people's nonverbals like a book. I know exactly when I'm being too forward, or too awkward, or when I'm rambling and I've lost them. that would have came in handy for today. 

For instance, when I've lost someone they normally smile awkwardly then look down, look away, look at the wall behind me, they look everywhere but me. This time however I just had a camera and myself staring back at me on the screen. Today, rambling was a very very very baddddd thing. 

All I got to say is Lord, please please please don't let my rambling train of thoughts speed over these poor people who have to review my videos and please please please keep the people who have to review my videos on the same track as my train of thoughts. 

for those of you who don't know, this is Melissa McCarthy giving her "motivational speech" in the movie Bridesmaids. I love Melissa McCarthy, but she is a perfect example of a rambler. At the same time, I don't care because she's hilarious. Maybe these people who are looking at my interview are thinking I'm the next Melissa McCarthy.....hey a girl can dream right? ;)

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