Sunday, March 31, 2013

Self-help Sunday

Perfect Skin for a Budget

First of all, Happy Easter everyone! Today is not only Easter but it's Sunday! I'm starting to write blog posts on Sundays called Self-help Sunday. Posts on these days will be all about my secrets to helping your health. 

First of all, I love my skin! Even though I get the random pimple every now and then. Then again, I have a pretty awesome skin care routine! What I love about my skin care routine is the fact that I don't use the really fancy or expensive skin care products. In fact, I spend less than $25 every two or three months on my skin care routine and I find all my products all at Walmart. 

But anyways, I use really light products that don't involve a lot of harsh elements that can dry out my skin. In the morning, I use the Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Daily Face Wash. This product isn't harsh nor does it dry out my skin. And the great thing about it is by the end of the day I feel like my skin isn't as oily as it normally is when I use other products.

After I use this daily face wash, I put on the Clean and Clear Dual Action Moisturizer. This little tube of moisturizer has lasted me about five or six months! In fact, I bought this moisturizer last summer and I have not even finished the bottle! 

At night, I wipe off all the makeup and oil from my face using the Simple Facial Cleansing Wipes. I love these because they're not harsh on my skin, they don't dry my skin out, and it removes all my makeup (including my eye makeup).

My total budget for this skin care routine
  1. Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action Daily Face Wash: $6.00
  2. Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer: $10.54
  3. Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes: $5.00
Total equals: $21.54! Also, since the moisturizer tends to last quite a while, I'll only spend about $11 every two or three months! That's perfect skin on a budget! 

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