Sunday, April 21, 2013

Self-Help Sunday

Just a Little Inspiration

So the past week has really got me thinking a lot about life in general. Between the bombings in Boston and the explosion in Texas, it really hit me how fast life can go. Posts like these are especially hard for me to write mainly because I have a lot of thoughts but I can't seem to word them. So I came up with a few little inspirational ideas that kind of hit me this weekend.

First off, my cousin Ricki Duffy is a huge inspiration to me mainly because she writes and performs her own music. I'm fascinated in her way with words and her ability to write a song that just speaks to me and how I'm feeling. Here's her song Voices. This song definitely speaks for itself. Here's Ricki's SoundCloud profile where you can listen to more of her amazing songs.

It's so easy for us to put a lot of pressure on ourself. We can be our own worst enemy. What I've learned over the past couple years is that we should never have to try to be someone else. Nor should we have to look back on our mistakes with guilt. It's easy for us to look back and think "why did I do that?", "I'm so stupid",  or"I should have saw that coming". Mistakes prove that we're trying and we're only human. Imperfections are completely normal. This quote is exactly what I'm trying to say.

The other inspiring thing that I've come across is that life is too short to be boring. Yes, the straight and narrow road is what's good, what's right, what you should do. But, off-roading is fun, full of adventure, scary and where your dreams are. Don't let the things that are off the straight and narrow scare you. If they scare you, then you should chance it. 

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