Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Top Tuesday

Light it Up Blue

Today is world Autism Day! Since April is the Autism Awareness month, I'd thought I would start out the first Top Tuesday post with Autism Awareness. I'm an Alpha Xi Delta and our national philanthropy is Autism Speaks which is an organization that brings awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorders.

For those of you who don't know what Autism is.....

Autism has to do with brain development and is characterized mostly by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors. Autism is something near and dear to my heart not only because of Alpha Xi Delta, but mostly because it affects children and is found in the first 3 years of life. In fact, 1 in 88 children are diagnosed with an Autism spectrum disorder. 

As most of you know, I've worked in numerous daycares over the years. Not only have I come in contact with many special needs children, but I have also come in contact with some children with some form of autism. 

Today for Top Tuesday I want to highlight the kids. These kids are struggling to communicate and I would love to be the voice for them. Autism is a real and it's becoming more prevalent as the years go on. 

This is a video of a boy named Jason Mcelwain who shows that having autism hasn't stopped him from playing basketball. 

Because it is Autism Awareness month it is tradition for Alpha Xi Delta's to "light their house up blue" to show that we support Autism.

This is the Alpha Xi Delta house at the University of Nebraska at Lincoln lighting it up blue!

I can't wait to take pictures of our house when it is all lit up blue for Autism Awareness! Also, I promise to post a lot of pictures of all of us cute sorority girls in our blue!!!!

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